Information about The municipality of Våler

The municipality of Våler, Våler in Solør is situated in the county of Hedmark. It is approximately 15 miles north of Oslo, one and a half-hour drive from Oslo airport, Gardermoen.

The population of the municipality is 3800(approx.).  The total area is 700 sq kilometres (272 sq mi), whereof 563 sq km is covered with forest and 45 sq km is land.  Våler borders to Sweden in the east, Åsnes in the south, Løten and Stange in the west and Trysil and Elverum in the north.

The municipality lies in the north end of the district called Solør, and is often referred to as Våler in Solør. Solør is the geographical area between the cities Kongsvinger and Elverum, consisting of the municipalities Våler, Åsnes and Grue. It is a part of the valley of Glomma. In the eastern part of Solør you will find the area known as Finnskogen.

The valley in which Glomma passes, was after the last ice-age the base of a fjord arm which stretched into Østerdalen. But the land has risen, so the valley is now 160-180 metres above sea level.  Glomma runs through Våler in a length of 17 km with waterfalls, rapids and nice places for swimming. One of its falls, The Braskereidfall, is a regulated power station which delivers power / energy to Eidsiva.

The highest point in Våler, Solør and Glåmdalen is Kjøberget, 705 m above sea level. Other elevated points are Bakklinten ( 654m), Blåenga ( 633m) and Eidsfjellet (632m).

The municipality of Våler is characterized by large forests and agricultural areas, thus forestry and agriculture being important industries. Våler is among the larger forested municipalities in Norway, with almost 90% of the total area covered with forest.

The municipality has several large and medium-sized produce enterprises, primarily connected to the industry of wood cultivation. The largest chipboard factory in Northern Europe, Forestia, is situated in our community, as well as Norway´s largest sawmill, Moelven Våler AS. Nortura Samvirkekylling AS, Våler, incubates and hatches day-old chickens.

Våler has an ambition of becoming The best traffic and motoring community in the Nordic region.  We are in the process of developing further the considerable milieu of competence within traffic, transport and motoring. In this work the Norwegian Traffic centre with the Våler course (Vålerbanen) is perhaps the best known.

The municipality of Våler is the largest employer of work in this local community, counting approximately 300 man-labour years. The municipality is headed by a local council with 19 representatives governed by the mayor. The public administration is headed by chief administrative officer. In Norway the public administration is neutral in politics, and consists of permanent employees.  The mayor is elected by the people. In Våler the mayor is the only full-time employee elected by the people.

The reason for the Norwegian municipalities´ existence is linked to freedom, participation and efficiency. The Norwegian organization of local governing gives the communities much liberty to solve its tasks. The Norwegian municipalities are the public administrative bodies as well as producers of service.  The growth is largest within service production.

Every four years there is a local government election in Norway. Norwegian communities are central in the development of the welfare state. They have important tasks within health, social services, technical issues, trade, culture and education. The state government has some standards as to how certain tasks are solved, particularly within health, social services and education.

In Norway we have three levels of administration:  state, county and municipality. There are 18 counties and 422 municipalities in Norway.  The number of municipalities is decreasing as smaller communities are merged.

The main source of income comes from taxes, transfers from the state and fees, charges and payments for communal services from the citizens.